Hosting Servers move to new Data Center

Springs Hosting LogoOn November 2, 2008, the Springs Hosting Web and Email Hosting servers move to our new Data Center at 1205 Shasta Dr. The end result is a massive increase in bandwidth as our new Data Center proudly operates two completely redundant OC-48 lines to the internet backbone as well as plenty of space for growth within the facility. Companies that require colocation and rack space can take advantage of this move as it makes Springs Hosting one of the largest Data Center providers in southern colorado with plenty of raised floor space to expand!

What is an OC-48? “OC-48 is a network line with transmission speeds of up to 2488.32 Mbit/s (payload: 2405.376 Mbit/s; overhead: 82.944 Mbit/s). With usually cheap interface prices and being faster than OC-3, OC-12 connections, and even surpassing gigabit Ethernet, OC-48 connections are used as the backbones of many regional ISPs. Interconnections between large ISPs for purposes of peering or transit are quite common. As of 2005, the only connections in widespread use that surpass OC-48 speeds are OC-192 and 10 gigabit Ethernet. OC-48 is also used as transmission speed for tributaries from OC-192 nodes in order to optimize card slot utilization where lower speed deployments are used. Dropping at OC-12, OC-3 or STS-1 speeds are more commonly found on OC-48 terminals, where use of these cards on an OC-192 would not allow for full use of the available bandwidth.”