HIPAA Compliance Successfully Completed

HIPPA CompliantOn April 30, 2012, Springs Hosting successfully completed the report on compliance Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) AT 601. “We are excited to have completed the HIPAA compliance report for our data center in Colorado Springs.”, said Jeremy Keefe, CIO “Springs Hosting continues to grow it’s support for medical based companies and other companies that are required to be HIPAA compliant.”

The examination was conducted by an independent service auditor, in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Pulblic Accountants and, accordingly, included examining, on a test basis, evidence about Springs Hosting’s compliance with those requirements and performing such other procedures considered necessary in the circumstances. It was deteremined that Springs Hosting complied with the HIPAA regulation in all material respects.

What does HIPAA AT 601 Compliance mean to me?
This compliance ensures to our customers, that Springs Hosting provides a high availability hosting environment to ensure ePHI accessibility as required. Springs Hosting provides a copy of our HROC (HIPAA Report on Compliance) under NDA.

If your company is storing any sensitive patient information or health records, the data center that hosts your data also needs to follow HIPAA compliance. Springs Hosting can providethe  physical, environmental, network and infrastructure security your business needs to protect patient information and meet HIPAA compliance standards. After completing a HIPAA audit by an independent service auditor, it was determined that Springs Hosting is 100% compliant, meaning that we can guarantee our facilities operate and implement HIPAA compliant controls and security measures.