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Post Interactive

Project Description

Post Interactive. What does that mean? It means we specialize in video production, web design and everything in between.
Our experience includes work on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, national automotive commercial campaigns, and even production services for a world-renowned paranormal investigator. This variety of clients allows us to be informed on many different industries and the best way to approach their video and interactive needs.
We’re not a large company, we’re a boutique shop and therefore, we give special attention to each and every client we have. Our time in the business allows us to bring the most innovative ideas to the table while staying on schedule and within the budget.
Our strong belief in personalized creative and branding allows each of our clients to stand out in their respective field.

Project Details

  • Client Post Interactive
  • Date January 1, 2013
  • Tags Video, WordPress
Launch Project
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